Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Veteran Owned

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Aloha Pepper (Striped Holland)

Striped Holland (also known as Aloha or Enjoya) bell peppers are yellow bell peppers with deep red stripes that appear painted on in swaths. The bi-colored peppers are hand-grafted and slowly ripened to maximize flavor and maintain consistency. Striped Holland bell peppers are medium in size, with a somewhat uniform shape. It has well-defined shoulders and a thick, bright green stem. The Striped Holland bell pepper has a sweet flavor and a crunchy texture.
The coloring of the Striped Holland bell pepper makes it an ideal pepper for eating fresh and raw. Wash Striped Holland bell peppers under cool water, and remove the stem, seeds and ribs. Cut slices, lengthwise and serve on a crudité platter, green salad or simply as a snack. Serve slices of Striped Holland bell peppers with a variety of dips. The brightly, bi-colored pepper can be stuffed with grains and other vegetables and baked. Use sliced Striped Holland bell peppers on pizzas or inside calzones. The colorful pepper can be substituted for any sweet bell pepper. To store, keep unwashed Striped Holland bell peppers in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, in plastic for up to a week.

Get Yours Here

Monday, February 12, 2018

Hot Lemon Pepper (Lemon Drop)

This heirloom from Ecuador produces 3 to 4-in. (8 to 10-cm) fruits that ripen to yellow, but are also very flavorful when green. The skin is tender and the aroma is spicy with a hint of pine woods. As hot as any Cayenne, these peppers are best used fresh in sauces or for drying. The more the plant is harvested, the more it will produce! 

Peppers turn from light green to a pure lemon yellow when mature. Plant has green stems, green leaves, and white flowers. A hot spicy pepper with a unique flavor. Excellent for making hot sauce.

Need Seeds or Plants. We have them here.

Serrano Pepper

The serrano pepper is similar to the jalapeño in its look, but this pepper is much hotter. On the Scoville heat index, the serrano pepper can be between 10,000 and 25,000. This pepper is usually small (around 2 inches) and green in color. As a rule of thumb, the smaller the serrano pepper, the hotter it will taste.

Mature serrano pepper plants reach a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m (1.5 to 5.0 ft) tall. Each plant can hold up to 50 pepper pods. The fruit can be harvested while they are green or ripe. Unripe serrano peppers are green, but the color varies at maturity; common colors for the ripe fruit are green, red, brown, orange, and yellow. Serrano peppers do better in soils with a pH between 7.0 and 8.5 and in warm temperatures above 75°F (24°C); they are not frost-tolerant.

Serrano peppers are perfect for salsas, sauces, relishes, garnishes, and more. They are usually best when roasted. I personally love serrano peppers for their delicious spicy kick. Where a jalapeno has a nice bite to it, the serrano steps it up a nice level, and has a fresh flavor similar to the jalapeno. Roasted serrano peppers are delicious and make a welcomed addition to many a meal.

Looking for seeds or plants? We have them.

Dragon Cayennes

The Dragon Cayennes for our Peppa Sauce are getting nice and ripe. Wont be long now and we will be making more.